Cafe 1040

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Missions at Home

It can be hard to think about missions in terms other than being overseas, but the truth is that missions is multifaceted with a variety of roles that can be accomplished from many places, not just overseas. How can you be involved in missions without going overseas?

Here are a few ideas to get started:

Prayer is the perfect place to start. Prayer is so powerful and such an important part of Christian life. You could commit to praying for a different unreached people group every day. You could organize a group on your campus or at your church to pray for the 1040 Window. Currently, many missionaries have found themselves unable to return to the States for furlough or unable to return to the mission field because of travel restrictions from COVID-19. These are both stressful situations that many missionaries are facing now. If you know any missionaries, reach out to them and ask how you can be praying for and encouraging them.

A big part of missions is mobilization. In our experience, most people who become interested in missions have a story of how they were “mobilized.” Mobilization is the process of educating people about God’s plan for the nations and encouraging them to find their role in this plan. Mobilization can happen through many different means, such as taking a Perspectives class, reading a book about missions, meeting a missionary, or even learning from a passionate friend. What could you do to mobilize yourself more? What are ways you could help mobilize your friends? Your church? Your family?

There are many refugees and immigrants in America who are from unreached places. Thankfully, there are already many organizations that exist to help these people transition into a new place, find jobs, learn English, and share the gospel, to name a few. If any of these organizations exist in your area find out how to get connected with them and join in their work.