What Do Students Experience Overseas?
Do you ever wonder what a day could look like overseas? Each day is full of stories and new experiences. Each part of our overseas mentorship is designed to expose students to different ways to engage culture.
This past week, we had a group of students in a home stay, which is where students live with a local family for about a week. This is a tool we use to immerse students in culture and language and to give them an intimate view of different beliefs. For many, this is the first time they have experienced other religions in this way. It’s also a time where God opens the students’ eyes to what He is up to and how they can be a part of it.
Read the account from one of our students:
“My team and I spent the latter half of this past week living with a Muslim family at one of our home stays for the semester. Words cannot convey the multitude of emotions and experiences I would like to share with you about those few days, but I will try.
I have worn dresses given to me by the women in their sweet family. I have danced to traditional South Asian dance music and Justin Bieber with every member of their family, from the grandmother (who had some pretty awesome moves) down to the two-year-old son. I broke bread with their family. I didn't shower for three days and didn't mind. I used a squatty potty and survived.
I have cried knowing that no matter how much I love them and no matter how devout they are in their practices, unless they love Jesus, I may never see them again – in this life or the next.
We also were able to prayer walk around the neighborhood. During that walk we encountered a Muslim woman whose son was sick and in the hospital. She invited us to her home for tea and to pray for her son's healing. I personally prayed with her for Jesus to heal her son. I don't know how to convey the power of that moment, but if I left South Asia tomorrow I would feel satisfied with seeing God move in just that moment alone.”
God is at work. It’s a privilege to get to be a part of raising up the next generation of missionaries to the unreached. Do you think God may be calling you to a life of missions? Be a part of our next overseas mentorship.