Why We Give to Cafe 1040

"When we first became acquainted with Cafe 1040, we were inspired by their vision to mentor young people who were exploring a call into a life or season of missions. We found their well-planned and comprehensive mentorship program to be compelling.  We heard stories of lives being changed in profound and eternal ways, both in the States and abroad. The more we heard, the more God prompted us to take steps to be a part of Café’s work. We count it a privilege to give financial support to this ministry.

Throughout our lives, but with growing understanding, we have been aware that we are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others.

There are many needs that clamor for our attention, but the need for our neighbors, both near and far, to hear the Good News is one that holds eternal significance and cannot be ignored.

In December of 2017, our pastor preached a sermon about giving, basically saying if we spent less on ourselves, we would have more available to spend on others. My husband and I were moved by his words and did an experiment.

During January, we only spent money on what we needed and ignored the temptation to satisfy our “wants.” It was astonishing how little we actually needed and how, by month’s end, our “wants” had faded. During that experiment, our call to be generous givers was clarified and expanded – and continues to be so. We are thankful that God continues to work in our lives to deepen and clarify his call on both of us.

In short, we give because it is our calling. It is an act of obedience and the greatest privilege of all."

- Tim and Sally, Cafe 1040 Donors