Suffering and Missions

Suffering and Missions

Around halfway through the semester, we hold a discussion with our students on the biblical perspective of suffering based on a sermon by Francis Chan.  Personally, that discussion has had new meaning for us depending on what life circumstances are happening during that season.  But no matter the season, we come to the same realization: suffering is allowed and ordained by God for the sake of the character of His children.

Five Things To Pack When Moving Overseas

Five Things To Pack When Moving Overseas

I’ve moved my life overseas a few times now, and the more I do it, the easier it gets. I’ve observed many other people move overseas as well and often times I’ve thought, “Oh wow, I wish someone would’ve told you not to bring all of that medicine with you! You could have filled that space with almond butter instead and bought the pharmaceuticals here—and for so much cheaper!”

The Pinball Life of Paul: How To Respond When Life Doesn't Go Your Way

The Pinball Life of Paul: How To Respond When Life Doesn't Go Your Way

Renee spent over a year bonding with her team and building a love for this country. She worked hard to raise support and get all of her paperwork together.  She prayed and prayed and then prayed some more.  She sold possessions including her car.  She struggled through the emotions of having to say goodbye to family and friends.  She mentally prepared herself to live in a different culture vastly different than her own.  She was set and ready to leave.

How I Found The Unreached

How I Found The Unreached

I had always assumed that going to North Africa was for heroes and newscasts covering political unrest and religious restrictions in the area just heightened my assumptions. I did not consider myself a hero, but I was willing to go to an unreached people group. How could that actually happen? Who was going to teach me how to go? Who was going to prepare me to live life in such hard places?

Ramadan Among Millennials

Ramadan Among Millennials

For a lot of people, June 6th through July 5th is just another thirty days of the year. However, for many around the world, these thirty days constitute the ninth and holiest month of the Islamic Muslim calendar, a time devoted to increased prayer and fasting.

While Ramadan, for the Muslim world, is the holiest month of the year, it occurred to me that many outside of the Islamic faith don’t really understand what Ramadan is or how it may impact those who follow Jesus.

Tutor To Tutor

Tutor To Tutor

Do you ever wonder how to share your faith? Have you ever wondered how you may share your faith in a place where you maybe aren’t supposed to or it’s frowned upon if you do? Here’s a real life story from one of our staff members of what living among the unreached looks like and the opportunities that come to share the story of Jesus where it’s never been heard.