Resurrection Isn’t Coming
Standing over the banks of the Ganges River - the most holy place in Hinduism to bring the dead – I took in the most graphic image of death my eyes have ever seen.
Body after body was being burned and lowered into this river for its remission of sins. It was a picture of imminent death with one last grasp for hope.
One thought kept coming to my mind: resurrection isn’t coming.
These waters can’t wash away sin. This river isn’t going to raise these men from the dead. In fact, this water, meant to purify, will simply drown away any remaining chance of life.
Death, I see your victory. Death, I feel your sting.
What if that was my story? What if Easter didn’t exist for me?
3.1 billion people are living in this reality where resurrection isn’t coming. There is no victory. Sin reigns. Death wins. Every single time.
because Easter means that hope is real and pain will not claim final victory.
But that’s not the reality we have as Christ-followers.
Because Easter.
Because Easter means the heart-break ends.
Because Easter means that hope is real and pain will not claim final victory.
Because Easter means those we love can live forever and all of this life is merely a gateway into eternity with Jesus.
Because Easter means death did not win, sin does not reign and Jesus is alive.
As we join together as His Church this Easter, may we unabashedly celebrate this life-changing, hope-bringing news that Resurrection HAS indeed come. And may this unbelievable Hope burst out of our church doors and breathe life into an aching world.
give Easter to a world longing to know Resurrection.
1. Pray for missionaries that are sharing Easter this year.
- Pray for divine appointments and opportunities.
- Pray for the Spirit to move in unreached peoples' hearts.
- Join us in this prayer for His name to be made known.
2. Realize you are strategically placed
God wastes nothing. You are strategically placed to make much of Him. Share the reason we celebrate Easter with someone in your neighborhood, classroom, or office.
Here are 5 overlooked ways to be on mission this year.
3. Join a Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class.
- Learn what God is doing in the world and how your life fits in that.
4. Live Somewhere Strategic
- Maybe God is calling you to move your life or your job to a place where people don't know the joy of Easter. Check out our sending partners who can give you next steps or join a vision trip church may offer.
5. Give to see the gospel shared
Give the message of Easter to people who have never had to the chance to hear it. God uses the resources He gives us to further His work.