Written by Cafe 1040 Staff
In our South Asia location, one of the best ways to meet locals is to play basketball. We met Roy*, who our team baptized last year, and many others this way. In spring 2019 a student named Daniel met AJ* during a game. As they started getting to know each other Daniel followed our steps of asking how he could pray for AJ, sharing stories of Jesus, and inviting him to read the Bible.
Daniel did an amazing job of being a friend to AJ while he was experiencing some of the most difficult situations he had ever faced. These issues deeply defined and fulfilled him. Daniel listened patiently and repeatedly shared how the life and hope of Jesus’s good news could ease AJ’s problems. He continually shared that Jesus is our hope, healing, and fulfillment.
Their time together in the Bible grew as their friendship grew. AJ was reading things unlike he had ever heard before and was hungry to learn more. The words of scripture were so alive to AJ. Every time AJ would say something along the lines of, “I just feel so much better after reading the Bible.” in his rough English and non-religious vernacular, I took this to mean that he felt his burdens lifting and true hope for the first time. I know for a fact the hope he felt was in the person of Jesus, whether or not he fully realized that at the time.
As the spring semester came to a close, Daniel introduced AJ to our staff so we could continue reading with him. I had the honor and privilege of cultivating the faithful seeds Daniel had sown. Summer came quickly, AJ was back home with his family, and then at the end of summer, our team in SA was abruptly forced back to the states not knowing when or if we’d return. I had only seen AJ two or three times before summer and was anxious about what would happen in his heart without us there to continue reading and studying with him.
Six months later, almost a year since I had last seen AJ, a few team members and I returned to South Asia to take care of some logistics before possibly returning to our city one day. I met with Roy and AJ the second night and Roy asked me if I had any plans Saturday night. While I was responding that I was free, AJ shot out of his chair and asked, “Does that mean we can read the Bible together?" Wow, what a question. How could I refuse? I was blown away by his question and how eagerly he asked it because it had almost been a year since we had connected over the Bible, yet the hunger in AJ’s heart was still there! Talk about a faith-building moment. This further proved the truth in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” God was still working in AJ’s life regardless of my effort and presence; just amazing. I sensed God doing significant work in AJ’s life, maybe more than ever before.
As the time approached for our meeting, I felt more and more burdened. I was returning to the United States in a few days and AJ was planning to permanently move back to his hometown. This meant that even if we moved back to South Asia AJ would live 4-5 hours away by train. I knew AJ wanted to have a real relationship with Jesus but didn’t know how, so I decided to be bold.
We read John 3 together and discussed what it means to be born again. This discussion led to topics about different theologies and paths to God. I shared my personal story and explained what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Roy shared some of his story as well. We looked deeply into John 14:6 together about Jesus’ claim that He is the only way. Finally, knowing since AJ had just heard the Gospel that this moment was crucial, I asked, "You've been learning all this stuff about Jesus, what do you believe about this?"
As I let that question go, I was filled with vulnerability. What is going to happen?
"I believe all of this is true, I want to be a follower of Jesus."
The clarity of his response stunned me as much as it filled me with joy. Finally, AJ was secure in eternal hope and a healing relationship with his true Heavenly Father. So much rejoicing happened that night and over the coming days. I was overjoyed that AJ finally had placed faith in Christ and now had the Holy Spirit with him and comforting him. AJ was overjoyed as well.
Just after our short trip to South Asia, COVID-19 hit and AJ moved permanently back to his hometown early. I wanted to make sure that AJ could continue to be discipled in his hometown, but I didn’t know anyone there. I took it to the Lord and started getting busy on WhatsApp. After some time, I was finally able to find believers in AJ's hometown who could disciple him! With COVID-19 we are still working out the logistics of making these relationships happen so as you lift for the nations please lift for AJ’s connection into long term discipleship.
As we’ve been celebrating this story, I was reminded of the passage that we’ve focused on here at Cafe 1040: “Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” - Habakkuk 1:5
Jesus truly is moving despite COVID-19. AJ put his trust and hope in the Lord and has been connected with believers in his city. Even more importantly, AJ is from a people group that has more than 40 million people, but only .02% are Christians. He is among the unreached of the unreached, persecuted, and dying in sin generation after generation, but God reached down and used the hope we had shared to bring him salvation.
Our students are learning effective ways to be missionaries. Our long-term staff are seeing those relationships through to sharing the Gospel. Jesus is saving the unreached.
““I believe all of this is true, I want to be a follower of Jesus.””