Our last 20 years overflow with stories of God's faithfulness. We rejoice in our YESTERDAY and praise God for His goodness. But, TODAY, there are still 3 billion people who are unreached with the Gospel! We invite you to join us as we step into TOMORROW to see this reality changed.

Join us today as we seek to raise $300,000 to continue leading the next generation to tell the story of Jesus where it has never been told.

Every dollar given today will be DOUBLED.



In this video, our executive director, Stephen Byerly, shares our vision for the future. We believe God has big things in store for Cafe 1040 but we can't do it alone. We invite you to join us to be a part of the life-changing work God is leading us into TOMORROW.



Twenty years. That’s how long Cafe 1040 has been mobilizing young adults to serve long-term among unreached people groups. Twenty years is a lot of time to see God work, and we watched in utter amazement as He brought nearly 600 students to participate in our missions mentorship. These young adults had their lives transformed and many of them are now serving long-term among unreached people groups. It's clear: God truly has been leading a generation to tell the story of Jesus where it has never been told. And He has done it through the gifts and prayers of partners like you.

TODAY, we stand on the cusp of all that God has in store for us in the future. He has been clear, "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth." Yet, while we long to see this promise completely fulfilled, our world presents us with a daunting reality: 3 billion people still have little to no access to the Gospel. The work of the Great Commission is far from over and we believe we are called to continue in obedience until it is.

So we look forward to TOMORROW with great expectations, for "Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). If the last twenty years have taught us anything, it's that God can do more than all that we ask or imagine, and we are imagining a bright future. There is a world of lost, hungry souls waiting for the good news of Christ and, by God’s grace, a wealth of young Christians eager to take it to them.

As we celebrate our twentieth anniversary this November and December, we will be sharing stories of God's faithfulness in our ministry made possible by your partnership. And as you reflect on YESTERDAY, we hope you will consider joining us TODAY to be a part of the great work God is leading us into TOMORROW.


today is the day

While we celebrate all that God has done over the last 20 years, we recognize that there are over 3 billion people in the world with little to no access to the Gospel. TODAY is the day to move without reservation and say, “Here am I, Lord.” Let's elevate His name among all nations!



You're a part of our story, so we want to look back and celebrate with you all the amazing things God has done. Here you'll be able to watch, read, or listen to stories and conversations from our overseas locations that show God's faithfulness and steadfast love.


Your gift today will impact the lives of countless unreached people tomorrow!