Before Christ left earth, He gave a specific task to accomplish. We commonly refer to this as the Great Commission found in Matthew 28. Many of us are well acquainted with this verse, but how are we doing with accomplishing this task? Let's step back and take a big picture survey of the state of the world. There are pages of research that cover this topic in more depth. Here is just an overview to get started.
An unreached people group is defined as a people group with less than 2% of its population being Evangelical Christians.
This describes 42% of the world’s population and 85% of these people groups live within an area referred to as the 10/40 Window.
We know that in order to complete the Great Commission these people groups must have access to the story of Jesus.
Currently, only 3.3% of missionaries are serving among unreached people group and less than 1% of all Christian giving is given toward unreached peoples.
So how will we complete this task? Jason Mandryk* gives five essentials to completing the Great Commission:
1. Priorities shaped by the reality of the task.
We must be aware of the present state of the world and align our efforts by these realities.
2. Sacrifice to lay down careers, time and perhaps our lives.
The Great Commission will not be completed in the comfort of our homes. It requires a commitment to perseverance and a dying to preference.
3. Partnerships with churches and movements all over the world.
Some of the most effective missionaries are not from the West. We must join together as a global Church.
4. Unity in working in multicultural teams.
Leaving preferences aside, we must work to be unified in the mission across cultures.
5. Prayer that is united, informed and persistent.
Prayer is the fuel to missions. The completion of the Great Commission is only complete through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The opportunity for all people to live and die with Jesus Christ is worth it. May we unite together in this work for the glory of Jesus Christ.