Why the Local Church is Important to Missions

For this article, keep in mind that every church and every sending agency operates differently. This a small glimpse of where the church and the sending agency come together to support the missionary. It is a large task to reach the nations, and we need to come together as a unified body of believers. If you have any questions, we would love for this to start a conversation.

The local church is important in sending missionaries because the Bible tells us so.

You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, that we may be fellow workers with the truth. (3 John 6b-8)

The idea of missionaries being sent out from the local church is seen throughout the New Testament. In 3 John, it is clear that John saw missionaries as part of the church. Missionaries do not have a higher role, but should be seen as fellow workers. We should see missionaries, church workers, and church members as the body of Christ, each with a role to play (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

The local church, missionaries, and their sending agency should work as a “Sending Triangle”.

When we think of missionaries, we must be careful to remember that their sending church is just as important as the sending agency they choose to go with and vice versa. To accomplish the task at hand (Matthew 28:16-20, Revelation 7:9), we must work together. There are many ways the agency will help, and there are many ways the church and the church body will help. Let’s break down a few of the differences:

  1. Funds often come from the church body.
    This depends on the agency, but often the agency agrees to pay the individual through the donations they have collected via support raising through their local church body. No matter where you live, our world runs on money. Without the church body’s donations to the missionary, the missionary would have no means to Go to the nations.

  2. Spiritual Maturity
    Sending agencies know the importance of spiritual maturity before they send off people to places where there might not be a church, or where there is a very small, possibly unhealthy church. The Christian considering going should be wise and mature in Biblical knowledge and must know how to listen to the Holy Spirit. This spiritual maturity comes from their local church engaging with them and teaching them in wise counsel.

  3. Logistics of furlough
    The sending agency might help with flights and some care while the missionary takes a break and returns to their hometown, but often it is the local church will help with practical needs such as borrowing a car, a home to stay, and any other basic needs for rest and rebuilding financial support.

  4. The church can help with loving care while overseas
    We hope that churches pick up where the care team of the sending agency lacks. Things such as sending care packages mean so much to missionaries when they are overseas. The church often accomplishes these relational care needs.

We can think of the church as a Shepherding and Discipling Focus, the agency as an Apolistic and Strategic Focus, and the missionary as the Global and Cross-Cultural Focus. When the church, agency, and missionary work together, the healthier the missionary, and the greater the spiritual impact is, both globally and locally.

If you want to read more about how churches and missionaries interact, take a look at these two articles. 



And this Webinar.

Webinar | The Sending Triangle