I had always assumed that going to North Africa was for heroes and newscasts covering political unrest and religious restrictions in the area just heightened my assumptions. I did not consider myself a hero, but I was willing to go to an unreached people group. How could that actually happen? Who was going to teach me how to go? Who was going to prepare me to live life in such hard places?
Photos Of The Month
Sometimes words only get in the way. Check out this month's views from our overseas missions mentorship.
How Did I Miss This?
Tutor To Tutor
Do you ever wonder how to share your faith? Have you ever wondered how you may share your faith in a place where you maybe aren’t supposed to or it’s frowned upon if you do? Here’s a real life story from one of our staff members of what living among the unreached looks like and the opportunities that come to share the story of Jesus where it’s never been heard.
A Day In The Life
The Village We Visited Was In The Mountains
Why Cafe 1040 Exists
The Overseas Calling
Honor and Love
I sat on a flight that lasted roughly 12 hours, had a few hours to kill in an airport and tried not to fall asleep, and then another short flight later. I arrived in our base country bubbling with excitement. I kept peering out of the taxi window and commenting on how pretty all of the buildings were to my coworker. I was immediately enraptured.
Worship In Multiple Languages
Our Sunday fellowship is made up of people from all over the world. There are many from the US and Australia, of course, but also people from Korea, the Philippines, and other Southeast Asian countries. On a recent Sunday, we sang in the local language and then came back to the chorus in English, which repeated: “Worthy is the lamb who was slain.”
Flip The Script: Darkness To Light
God Is Good And Takes Care Of Us
I Am Nothing Without My Father
As I sit here on the patterned carpet, bare-foot, and leaning up against the patterned couch, my heart overflows with love for these women. I long for the ability to communicate with them on a deeper level, yet I am depending on my smiles and my few Arabic words to convey everything I cannot express with complex words.
Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound
Why Ramadan Is Important To Me
Why I'll Never View Muslims The Same Way Again
Hospitality – in the states we associate this with words like inviting, welcoming, and understanding. It is such a simple word. I would have never thought one word could hold so much depth – that one word could dictate a culture. Living here in Southeast Asia has redefined my view of what it means to be hospitable.
Welcome To The Family
What If These People Became Fishers Of Men?
The village is located on the edge of an island. It is so small that a person can walk from one end to the other in 5 minutes. The people’s main occupation is fishing. They fish for squid, fish, and many other things. As I walked along one of the two main roads or “paths”, I saw many people mending their nets.