For several years, our team in North Africa has had the opportunity to reach out to a local Muslim couple – Khalid and Amira. Khalid is an influential community figure and has been instrumental to the work we are accomplishing here.
A Call To Prayer
The Islamic call to prayer is a call to pray for Christians everywhere.
I woke up in confusion as the pre-dawn stillness was shattered with a song. Then I remembered. This is the Islamic call to prayer.
The words “God is great” echo from two mosques in the village. It is both beautiful and heartbreaking. Strangely, the Islamic call to prayer is also my call to prayer.
I pray that these people, who are so hospitable and welcoming, would be receptive to the story of Jesus. I pray that those who rigorously follow strict rules would come to know grace and freedom. I pray that every place that is dark would be flooded with light, that every person who seeks Truth would find the Way, that everyone who is blinded would be able to see. I pray for workers to be sent to this people group.
I pray because God loves all of his people, and He has called us to be His ambassadors, His messengers, His hands and feet to the Muslim world.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'”
– Romans 10:14-15
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:20
If you’re interested in learning more about Islam, as well as ideas for how to reach out to Muslims in the US, check out this Islam 101 podcast from Desiring God.
God Is Faithful
Oral Cultures Respond To Stories Of Jesus
Across the world, storying has been especially successful among people groups who are oral – they remember and pass on information by telling stories. As a practice of communicating the truths of Jesus in any culture, we teach our students how to story, that is to tell the story of Jesus in an engaging, story-telling format.
Christmas Carols In February
One Girl Who Talked To A Buddhist Monk
A Reflection To Pray
“I often catch a whiff of incense as I walk the streets of Southeast Asia. It’s burning all around at temples and pagodas, and in the shrines housed in nearly every home and business. The smell reminds me that I too should be praying, just as the call to prayer in the Muslim world reminds me to pray not just 5 times a day, but without ceasing.”
Making Friendships, Sharing A Story
What Will I Learn With Cafe 1040?
Proclaim From The Rooftops
What If These People Became Fishers Of Men?
The village is located on the edge of an island. It is so small that a person can walk from one end to the other in 5 minutes. The people’s main occupation is fishing. They fish for squid, fish, and many other things. As I walked along one of the two main roads or “paths”, I saw many people mending their nets.
Being A Part Of A Missionary Team Can Be Difficult
Everyone brings different strengths and weaknesses to the table, leaving plenty of room for disagreements and conflict. Being a missionary in another country, where your team is the only ‘family’ you have, and where the majority of people living there have never been told the story of Jesus, can be even more difficult.
Transformation Through Cafe 1040
I traveled to three different countries in three days with probably less then 12 hours of solid sleep. I went on excursions pretty much every other week of the whole three months, each with a different purpose and environment. Each excursion exposed me to a wide variety of concepts, like-minded organizations, and a variety of issues.
The Unreached
After an hour plane ride, a two-hour bus ride, a five- hour bus ride, and five-minute boat ride across the river, we arrived in the village. The goal of the trip was to establish contacts and develop relationships. Within the interactions with the locals, our aim was to acquire information about the history and culture of the village.
Build Your Kingdom Here
Thirsting for God
Our bodies crave it and nothing else will quite satisfy it. It is one thing to experience thirst when you know water is only minutes or seconds away. It is a whole other thing to experience thirst when you don’t know when your next sip of water will be.
I Love To Tell The Story
We're Not That Different
Secret Parties
Love Is Easier Than You Think
Our team just returned from our first home stay a few days ago, and I must say, God really made some cool moves and really re-ignited my fire during my home stay. We stayed together in a house with 10 girls and 3 guys. Thankfully, 4 of the girls were under the age of 12 and were in primary school, which was perfect as they are just above our level of understanding, so they were phenomenal teachers.