There’s no denying that when Thanksgiving hits, it’s only a mad dash to Christmas. Anticipation builds, parties are planned, cookies are exchanged and stores are flooded with hurried shoppers. It’s all wrapped up in the season of Christmas.
4 Advent Reads To Check Out This Christmas Season
The Pursuit
Three Biblical Principles When Considering A Life of Missions
That Was The First Time She Had Ever Heard It
Suffering and Missions
Around halfway through the semester, we hold a discussion with our students on the biblical perspective of suffering based on a sermon by Francis Chan. Personally, that discussion has had new meaning for us depending on what life circumstances are happening during that season. But no matter the season, we come to the same realization: suffering is allowed and ordained by God for the sake of the character of His children.
Five Things To Pack When Moving Overseas
I’ve moved my life overseas a few times now, and the more I do it, the easier it gets. I’ve observed many other people move overseas as well and often times I’ve thought, “Oh wow, I wish someone would’ve told you not to bring all of that medicine with you! You could have filled that space with almond butter instead and bought the pharmaceuticals here—and for so much cheaper!”
The Pinball Life of Paul: How To Respond When Life Doesn't Go Your Way
Renee spent over a year bonding with her team and building a love for this country. She worked hard to raise support and get all of her paperwork together. She prayed and prayed and then prayed some more. She sold possessions including her car. She struggled through the emotions of having to say goodbye to family and friends. She mentally prepared herself to live in a different culture vastly different than her own. She was set and ready to leave.
The Joys and Hardships of International Living
Living overseas in a culture that is not your own is both exhilarating and exhausting, sometimes all at the same time. There are highs and lows, pros and cons, victories and defeats. Have you ever lived in a different culture? Read about the joys and hardships of cross-cultural living from the perspective of one our overseas workers.
Is The Task Impossible?
Finishing The Task
There are thousands of Muslim people groups who have never heard what Jesus Christ has done on their behalf. This sobering thought fuels missions all over the world. Our friends at Frontiers are empowering people and churches to alter that reality by 2025. We love Frontiers’ heart for loving Muslims until all have heard.
The Power of the Unnamed
8 Must Reads for This Fall
Whether you are an avid reader with a lengthy booklist or someone who considers seeing the movie the same as reading the book, we all can agree these books are worth your time. If you are considering missions, working in ministry or just want to grow in your faith, these books will guide you into a deeper understanding of God’s heart.
Missions Is For The Ordinary
How I Found The Unreached
I had always assumed that going to North Africa was for heroes and newscasts covering political unrest and religious restrictions in the area just heightened my assumptions. I did not consider myself a hero, but I was willing to go to an unreached people group. How could that actually happen? Who was going to teach me how to go? Who was going to prepare me to live life in such hard places?
Photos Of The Month
Sometimes words only get in the way. Check out this month's views from our overseas missions mentorship.
How Did Cafe 1040 Begin?
There's Always A Ship To Tarshish
4 Reasons We're Excited To Launch This Site
We exist to help people see how their life actually can change the current reality that 42% of the world’s population has never heard the story of Jesus. We love providing practical and attainable steps for those who desire to see the story of Jesus known in even the most remote and unlikely places. This is why we overhauled our site.