Community BELIEFS

In response to current cultural trends, we have determined to articulate more specifically our Christian beliefs and associated community standards on the following subjects:

Identity, Sin, and Repentance

We believe that due to the fall of humanity, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 and Genesis 3). Every human that is not repentant of sin is defined not by their individual sin, but by their separation from God through their fallen sin nature. We believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from our sin. Whoever believes in Jesus will not perish for sin but is cleansed from sin and has eternal life (John 3:15-17). Christians are defined by being redeemed sinners, saved by Christ.

When sinners are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, they are expected to repent of their sin and to love Jesus more than their sin (John 8:11). Repentance is the remorse, confession, plea for forgiveness, and turning away from sinful behavior. While a Christian may still struggle with sin until Jesus returns again to perfect us, God tells us that sin no longer defines us. We are defined by the perfected new life God calls us to live and will ultimately bring to fruition in eternity. Although the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit is often complex and takes time, there will be outward indicators of repentant faith (James 2:14-26). (Accordingly, a Christian who has repented of past sin such as adultery, fornication, or pornography use is not automatically disqualified from serving as a representative of the Cafe 1040 Christian community.)

As a Christian community, we seek to compassionately address sin with an understanding that we all fall short, while holding each other accountable to the will of the Lord. We seek to maintain a culture of honesty and freedom in Christ while understanding the pervasive, complex, and addictive nature of our sinful hearts.

Human Sexuality and Marriage

Our Christian Beliefs.

We believe the Bible teaches that human sexual activity be expressed exclusively within the context of a marital covenant between one man and one woman.

We believe that all humans are created in the Image of God—giving each human being value, dignity, and purpose—and that God made humanity male and female (Genesis 1:27, 5:2 and Mark 10:6). With very rare exceptions for divinely created intersex individuals, every individual is created providentially either male or female as designed by God and revealed by such individual’s biological sex at birth. (God’s creation of male and female does not imply specific actions or preferences as interpreted by our modern context, often referred to as gender norms, but it does imply a level of differentiation by God as revealed throughout Scripture.)

We believe God instituted marriage as a lifelong “one flesh” covenant union between one man and one woman, reflective of the diversity and unity found within the Triune Godhead (Malachi 2:14, Proverbs 2:17, and Ephesians 5:22- 32). God calls husbands and wives to exclusive sexual fidelity, and unmarried singles (whether through the gift of singleness as Paul or the tragedy of the death of a spouse) to abstain from sexual relations. Therefore, we believe that sexual activity outside of a biblical marriage (whether involving individuals of the same or opposite sex) is inconsistent with God’s call to intimacy in our lives, and that such relations undermine the dignity and image of God in us, alienate us from God and from each other, and cause harm to all individuals involved. We further believe that individuals should avoid situations where there is undue temptation and opportunity to engage in such sexual relations. We further believe that pornographic materials undermine the dignity and image of God in individuals and promote sexual conduct contrary to our Christian beliefs.

Standards for Community Activities

Our beliefs regarding human sexuality and marriage shall apply in all policies, programs, and activities in the Cafe 1040 Christian community. Among other things, in our policies and programs we will recognize only marriages consistent with our Christian beliefs. We may designate certain activities, facilities, or rooms, including restrooms and locker rooms, for participation or use by a single sex or gender, and only individuals having the designated sex or gender as determined in accordance with our Christian beliefs may participate in such activities or use such facilities or rooms. When we determine necessary, we may through prayerful dialogue discern in accordance with our Christian beliefs the gender by which Cafe 1040 will identify an individual. Also, no pornographic materials may be present in any of our facilities or activities.

Standards for Community Representatives

We expect all Cafe 1040 representatives to affirm their agreement with and live in accordance with our beliefs regarding human sexuality and marriage (which include refraining from sexual relations outside of marriage and avoiding pornography).

If an individual identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, they are displaying a belief about themselves and God that is contrary to our Christian beliefs. However, if an individual identifies with Christ, yet their past lifestyle includes sexual sin, they may be eligible to serve as a representative of the Cafe 1040 Christian community as a repentant and redeemed child of God who believes that acting upon such temptation is sin. Sanctification and behavioral change are the key markers for a redeemed sinner on the road to being perfected when Christ returns. (We recognize that struggle and desire are not the same thing as unrepentant belief and action. For example, an individual will not be disqualified from serving as a Cafe 1040 representative just because the individual struggles with same sex attraction, if the individual is taking up his or her cross daily in that struggle.)

Standards for Community Participants

We expect all participants to respect our Christian beliefs regarding human sexuality and marriage while participating in our Christian community. Similarly, we expect all participants not to affirm, promote, or engage in sexual relations contrary to our beliefs (and to avoid pornography) in connection with their participation in Cafe 1040 activities.

We expect all couples who are not married in accordance with our beliefs to refrain from sexual relations while participating in our activities. We also expect individuals participating in our activities to refrain from public displays of physical affection that could interfere with our mission. Typically, this applies to non- married or dating couples in non-US cultures.

Sanctity of Life

We believe that all individuals are created by God in His image commencing at conception and continuing through death. All human life has inherent dignity. We accordingly believe as a matter of Christian conviction that no procedures should be performed to terminate a pregnancy and take the life of an unborn child (such procedures are referred to herein as abortions), except in extraordinary circumstances where other Biblical, moral principles prevail, such as where medically necessary to preserve the life of the mother. We further believe that life should be valued with dignity until death. Our beliefs prohibit paying for or otherwise facilitating such procedures.

Any requirement to facilitate abortions or euthanasia by offering such coverage, and any penalty for failing to offer such coverage, would directly and substantially burden and undermine our exercise and expression of our Christian beliefs.

Religious Activities

We engage solely in activities that further our Christian mission or purposes. Because we believe that all such activities are conducted in service to God as means for spiritual growth, we consider these activities to be a form of worship.

We distinguish between distinctly (or exclusively) religious activities and integrated religious activities. Distinctly religious activities refer to activities that primarily further only religious purposes, such as devotional worship or prayer services. Integrated religious activities refer to activities that substantially further both religious and nonreligious purposes. Such activities are often similar to activities conducted by nonreligious organizations and may include certain educational, cultural, humanitarian, and social service activities. We conduct such activities in response to God’s calling and in furtherance of and in accordance with our Christian beliefs. In addition, we present our Christian viewpoints in such activities as applicable.

With respect to restrictions that may be imposed on the use of funds, facilities, or other benefits, we shall not agree to any restriction that would preclude us from conducting our integrated religious activities in furtherance of our Christian mission and in accordance with our Christian beliefs. To the extent consistent with this commitment, we may agree not to use designated funds, facilities, or benefits for exclusively religious activities.

Use of Alcohol and Controlled Substances

We believe that the Bible permits the moderate use of alcohol, but does not permit drunkenness, in part because intoxication may undermine the role of the Holy Spirit in forming the minds and hearts of individuals. Therefore, we expect all Cafe 1040 community representatives to avoid drunkenness, and to exercise careful discernment in their use (if any) of alcohol, complying with additional limitations on such use set forth in this Policy or other policies adopted by management or the board of directors. Finally, we expect all community participants to comply with these same standards while participating in our community.

Additionally, we expect all community representatives to abstain from the illegal usage of controlled substances and all participants to abstain from the illegal usage of controlled substances while participating in our community.

Social Media and Other Public Statements

In any public forum, including social media, we expect representatives to respect our Christian beliefs and not to challenge, disparage, or undermine them.

We recognize that many Christians separate religious moral issues (i.e., how Christians ought to behave) from the civil issues (i.e., how civil society ought to regulate behavior). For example, representatives may share similar religious beliefs regarding social justice and caring for the poor, but they may hold different positions related to how to apply these beliefs in the civil arena.


We share in the historical Biblical standard that honors the beauty of diversity of age, sex (and gender), race, physical ability, and mental ability, believing that all are created in the image of God and as image bearers are profoundly loved by God and worthy of dignity and respect.