As the Grad Engagement Coordinator, your job is to maintain contact with our graduates after their completion of the post-field mentorship, participate on Partnership Committee, and document graduate stories and progression after initial graduate steps have been taken.
Student Mentor - FEMALE
Student Mobilizer
Student Mentor - MALE
Overseas Student Mentor - Diaspora Europe
Our Europe Diaspora team is looking for teammates who are passionate about working with immigrant Muslim populations in one of the most diverse cities in the world. With almost 200 nationalities living in this city, you will live and do ministry among unreached people groups living and working outside of their home countries.
Overseas Ministry Operations Manager - North Africa
Overseas Student Mentor - North Africa
Administrative Assistant
Your job will be to provide administrative support to a Cafe 1040 Director by executing tasks and managing routine workflow. This involves working to coordinate and administrate a unique and diverse team. Part project manager, part administrative assistant, you will assist the Director in prioritizing and coordinating efforts across the team and the company.