4 Missionary Biographies You Should Check Out

One of the most humbling experiences in missions is listening to the people who went before you. They are the rock movers who gave their lives to making a way for the gospel to penetrate some of the darkest places. Some people ready the soil, some people plant seeds and others get the joy of seeing a harvest. Be humbled and encouraged by these people who God worked through greatly. God did the work. These men and women simply made their lives available for Him to work through them.


1.    To The Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson

2.    Elisabeth Elliot- Through Gates of Splendor

3.    Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

4.    Beauty for Ashes – Amy Carmichael


Other missionaries with excellent books to check out: David Livingstone, William Carey, and William Cameron Townsend.

What would you add to this list? Let us know some of your favorites.