Dear Summer,
Thank you for teaching me what I desperately needed to know.
In a dry, dusty place you taught me where to find home.
Yet it wasn't really you at all, but the Father.
A Year Like No Other
Are All Christians Missionaries?
No Christian is meant to live in isolation, so no missionary is meant to live in isolation. Bible precedent for this. We don’t all have the same gifts as Paul. Team is a group of missionaries who meet together regularly, working together intentionally for the spread of the gospel. We need others alongside of us in this task.
Hannah's Vision
The Great Commission is not dependent on you or me or any other is a privilege to be a part of what He is doing across the world. But He does allow his children to be a piece of His work. It’s often a theme that when Jesus gives someone a dream about himself, that person doesn’t start fully believing in Him or following Him until someone else comes along to tell that person what the dream is about and who this Jesus is. It amazes me.
Amazing Grace in Southeast Asia
Why Christians Should Care About Ramadan
Why Missions Needs Singles
Here’s the thing: the missions world needs you. Teams need you. Families need you. You are a force, a breath of fresh air, a teammate and a friend.You are the glue that holds a team together. You are a gap-filler that makes a healthy, well-rounded, high-capacity team. You are uninhabited by challenge and change. You are free to obey passionately when He calls.
If They Only Knew
3.1 billion people are in such a dark place they offer up gifts to a god, yet they haven't heard that they can receive the ultimate gift of life. The gift that doesn't require a bell or a giant mountain top temple... He just wants our hearts. He wants all of us for His glory. He already won the victory.
A Hope Deferred
Our transformed lives are the product of an infinitely loving and gracious Father who seeks us out and calls us to himself. The power of our Creator, who made all things and in him all things hold together, the power of our shepherd who restores our souls, and who leads us by his voice, the power of God incarnate, who pardoned our iniquity by dying on the cross, providing a way for us to be made righteous before God, and giving us access to a real relationship with a perfect and holy God—there are so many more things to talk about in terms of increasing enjoyment in God and how his Word is fully true, alive, and does not return void.
Let These Dry Bones Cry Out
But there is rest for the fearful, hope for the hopeless, and sight for the blind in Jesus Christ. I'm encouraged knowing I have a relationship with the One who casts out fear, who is my eternal hope, and who gives me a vision and the assurance of my future. This motivates me to pray without ceasing, fervently asking God to draw these lost sheep to him.
Join me.
Which Voice Are You Listening To?
Why We Are Committed to This Work
The Great Provider
7 scriptures about God’s Will
Why Here?
Missions at Home
What Makes a Good Missionary?
What it Means to be a “Learner”
We haven’t been able to run an overseas program for a few semesters now, but some of the lessons you can learn overseas you can also use stateside whether you’re waiting to go long-term, working to mobilize your church or school, or learning about unreached people for the first time. We wanted to share something one of our students from a previous semester learned on our program!