Lets begin this new year with gratitude to the Lord.
Year in Review - 2020
Fun Ideas for Christmas
Christmas Wallpapers!
GIVE HOPE is Cafe 1040’s annual giving campaign. Your role in telling the story of Jesus where it has never been told can have double the impact in this year’s campaign. Every dollar given up to $140,000 by December 31 will be matched. Click here to learn more!
Written by Cafe 1040 Overseas Staff
God sent a rainbow after the storm as a sign of his covenant and promise with Noah to never wipe out the earth again. Rainbows remind us of God's promises and the hope we have in Him. Recently I was reading the story of Noah with my children and realized while reading the above verse that God placed His rainbow IN the clouds. It wasn't after the clouds or on a bright sunny day, but IN the clouds. That simple word “in” brought tears to my eyes as I reflected on how this season of ministry has been a season of trusting God in the midst of the “clouds” covering His eternal promises. We believe that the Great Commission is not just one verse found at the end of the book of Matthew, but is a command by God found in the whole Bible. His heart is for ALL people of ALL nations! One day we will be gathered around the throne of God with people from every nation, every tribe, and every language worshipping Him (Revelation 7:9).
One thing I’ve learned in nearly six years of living and doing full-time ministry in North Africa is that Jesus was at work LONG before I entered the scene and my job is not to come with an agenda to reach all the people, but to walk in obedience and always be ready to give an answer for the hope I have in Him.
We have seen His promises and we have so much to celebrate with you!
Three years ago, we were in desperate need of a new language teacher for the students. We reached out to a local friend for help and a few days later he arrived at our house with one of his students from the local university that he felt would be a good fit for us. In my human mind, I had no idea how we would find a replacement for the amazing teacher we previously had, but God knew. Immediately when I met S* I was captivated by the joy that exuded from her and the peace that I felt when she opened her mouth. I only knew this young woman long enough to kiss her cheeks (Arabic greeting) but could tell that Jesus was at work in her life.
Semester after semester while doing life alongside the students we learned more and more about S* and her story. She became increasingly more curious about Jesus as each student group revealed more of Christ’s characteristics to her. After years of student group after student group playing the roles of Paul and Apollos (1 Corinthians 3) in S*’s life, the time came when what God had grown in her heart was ripe for harvest.
On October 28th, 2019 our dear friend S* sat in our living room and placed her hope and trust in Jesus!
After we said “amen” she started sharing her testimony with me again. She had first heard of Jesus when she was five and her uncle called her whole family to gather around the TV to laugh and mock at a former Muslim man sharing about the hope he had found in Jesus on national TV. As a five-year-old this message of hope penetrated her heart and she never forgot it, even though she had no one she to ask more questions about it to. She rejected Islam when she was 12 because the god of Islam scared her, but she always knew that there was a God. She believed that God was not scary, but loving and kind. Through her revelations and study of the Word, she came to realize that the God of the Bible is the one she had always believed in and always hoped she’d find.
S* is in a season of persecution; so much has been stripped away from her. As we stood in my kitchen crying together and rejoicing over her decision to follow Jesus, she said to my husband and I, "I don't need anything but Jesus. If He is all I have then I have everything." May her words be true for all followers of Jesus! He is all we need! Please join us in praying for S*. Pray for her endurance in the hardships and joy as she obediently follows Jesus. Like the Parable of the Sower in Matthew, pray for the Word of God to grow deep roots in her heart.
"The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
Matthew 13:23
We can't wait for the day that you will get to meet her face-to-face! It gives us chills to think of her reaching Heaven and meeting the hundreds, if not thousands of people who have cried out to Heaven on her behalf. It takes an army in this battle for souls. Thank you for being a part of this army on S*'s behalf. We can't wait for you to meet her!
Rejoice with us and the angels of God!
“...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
— Luke 15:10
We looked deeply into John 14:6 together about Jesus’ claim that He is the only way. Finally, knowing since AJ had just heard the Gospel that this moment was crucial, I asked, "You've been learning all this stuff about Jesus, what do you believe about this?"
As I let that question go, I was filled with vulnerability. What is going to happen?
Fun Thanksgiving Traditions
This year during the holiday season, we wanted to give you some fun ideas on how to practice gratitude together as a family! We know that there are many different ways to give thanks to God, so here are a few of our favorite new tradition ideas to help you reflect on all that you have to be grateful for!
“With the heavy silence of the dead pressing in on me, a thought, unwanted but inescapable, began to slowly make itself heard in my mind until I had formed it into one heart-wrenching, prayerful question: God, how many of these people died without ever hearing the name of Jesus? How many more will die and be buried here with the same fate?”
A Work of Rock Moving
So was this trip unsuccessful? Was it a waste of time and money? Should this place be checked off the list as unresponsive to the gospel? Absolutely not. I have not lost hope. I hold fast to the promises of my Father. Despite all odds, I am confident He will do what he said he is going to do. I am fully convinced.
A Prayer for Peace
Joy in the Waiting
It’s easy to fall into discontentedness and bitterness when God is making us wait, especially when the scale of waiting is worldwide. But in Psalms 27:14 the Bible exhorts us to “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” As believers, we are called to trust in the Lord and what he is doing while we wait. We want to encourage you as you wait, whether you’re waiting to go overseas, for school to return to normal, to see at-risk family members, or simply waiting for something to feel at least a little normal again. Here are joyful and life-giving things people have found while waiting this year.
How to Organize and Host a Prayer Night
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - Part Two
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - Part One
Virtual Missions Experience
What Better Time
What better time as a believer to be the reflection of His faithfulness, love, peace, kindness, and grace to every person He’s put in our lives? While I may not know or understand why I’m stateside instead of overseas, I am choosing by faith to continue to grow my roots deep so that no matter what I face, I will be fully anchored to my Savior and filled with His hope for the future.
Discerning Calling vs Context
In the Office: A Behind the Scenes Look at a Mobilizer's Ministry
Battles are Being Won
The world pandemic has reached our overseas workers’ doorsteps as well. We are curious to know: What has their ministry looked like? What has changed? And where is the Lord leading them next? Fortunately, we were able to catch up with L* (name not disclosed for security) in Europe! She helped us understand how daily life has changed, but also shares some encouraging ways God continues to move in this season.